As a mother of five I thought I knew my labours: I never go into labour at night, I always go overdue, and my waters never break until I'm in established labour. Well this time I woke up to a 'pop' and a puddle, and it was time to head towards Atherton hospital. Three hours later the posterior baby - and that is something that never changes with my babies - had finally turned around, to first greet his parents before the midwives were called back to the birthing suite.
You see me, you miss me. Family of eight living, loving, travelling Australia in a double decker bus.
Phantom of the roads

Sunday, 3 May 2015
Gentleman from born
And so another miracle came into our world yesterday morning. Although May Day was baby's due date, this gentleman let ladies go first, in this case the Royal Princess a day ahead of him.
As a mother of five I thought I knew my labours: I never go into labour at night, I always go overdue, and my waters never break until I'm in established labour. Well this time I woke up to a 'pop' and a puddle, and it was time to head towards Atherton hospital. Three hours later the posterior baby - and that is something that never changes with my babies - had finally turned around, to first greet his parents before the midwives were called back to the birthing suite.
As a mother of five I thought I knew my labours: I never go into labour at night, I always go overdue, and my waters never break until I'm in established labour. Well this time I woke up to a 'pop' and a puddle, and it was time to head towards Atherton hospital. Three hours later the posterior baby - and that is something that never changes with my babies - had finally turned around, to first greet his parents before the midwives were called back to the birthing suite.
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Sweet little man, congratulations :D
ReplyDeleteThank you. :)