Phantom of the roads

Phantom of the roads

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Be careful what you ask for

Brisbane, same old, same old, beautiful one day, perfect the next even though the government has changed it still smells the same. What, are they all from the same basket?
Redcliffe is so nice, the beach is beautiful, people are friendly, easy to find parking near the amenities and right on the beach - what else does one want? Well maybe a good sized bream or a flat head would be nice.

We've got 10 days to wait in Brisbane before our guests arrive for the trip up north, so I have decided to be rid the old batteries and go with a full 6 volt 225 amp/hr x 24 batteries at 24 volts, which should give me 1350 amp hours. That should also fix the ice cream melting problem! Picking the batteries up this morning to get straight into it while the wife gets stuck into re-upholstering the seats with the new covers I bought in Sydney. Now that was a bargain, a full roll of good seat covering material, 1.8m x 99m, I paid 50 bucks for at the Addison Rd recycling market in Marrickville.

Now I need to find a spot to pull up, out of the way from every one, with a kids play area............... Catch ya.

P.S. While waiting for the editor to proof read, I got what I asked for, bream for breakfast.

- D -

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