Well, we got a knock on the door by the first visitor that we didn't know, since being on the road. And I'm happy to say it was Mr Ranger from Canterbury council. Apparently the good hard working rate payers from the housing commission blocks in Riverwood complained about seeing the phantom parked up on the side of the road without obstructing or endangering anyone, 2-3 days of the week. It's so good to see that someone is always looking out for you, for the good or the bad. And in this case, it's not good for me, and on the other hand, it must be good for the houso for whatever reason it may be.
In all truth, I would have thought that this had been the last place in Sydney to have anyone complain about the phantom because when one walks around the streets, on the side of Riverwood where we were parked, on any given day there's a pile of rubbish, abandoned furniture, unread mail and other things alike. Well, I don't know who's the local member for the area, but I can see the election is coming up, and if Jihad Dib, the local labor member wins the seat, I can only hope that he makes a difference. God bless Australia and everyone in it. On the bright side, they've just forced all fishing rods on deck!
- D -
Rubbish day every day |
Common sight in Riverwood |
Mechanic's workshop out of housing unit? |
Here's the hopeful saviour. |
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